
The Tale Of Rapidash and Blastoise

Long Ago, there are 2 creature who met in accident. Rapidash the fire horse, who is active, love to run here and there, makes a lot of noise, ambitious, a bit cocky but love to talk and meet new people. The other one is Blastoise, a giant turtle who is wise, smiling all the time, caring, a bit slow and not much of a talker but always try to make other happy. The day they met is the day that rapidash was transfered to the new school. They we're classmates and in the conversation between where rapidash come from and how blastoise crush on a girl from rapidash old school, they found out that they have the same hobby or favorite movie show you can say. Rapidash it's a bit childish, so it's natural to him, but blastoise is the wise one, an older entity, people see him as a grown up, yet they have the same thing that they like.
As passing time, their bond grow stronger. At first it's just the talk about the thing they like, the thing they have in common. But later on the talk became more personal, like when rapidash had a crush on the next class girl which is blastoise friend and vice versa. In between class and lunch break, they always hang out together. Chating, laughing and joking, and even rapidash realize he have a great companion, that not a easy thing to happen cause rapidash is a loner and usually doesn't liker to be bothered by other people. Rapidash even consider blastoise as his brother who tells him about new things, always losing to him even when he cheats, protect him using blastoise own way, giving him advice and always be there when rapidash tells story about his family or the girl he loves.
When the they go to higher class, these band of friends must separate. At first they still see each other, but in time, they became too busy with their own business. They start to forget each other and the memory of their great companionship. But they now in their heart that their missing something. And eventually the got to different highschool, after that they never see each other again.
They met once in the crossroad of their house, but because of their own business, they can't chat and immidiately seperate after they exchange their cell numbers. After that sometime they text each other just to let to other now that rapidash already have a steady girlfriend but not so good on college, and blastoise still had a crush on rapidash friend, the same girl he had a crush on when they we're still on junior high.
Today as rapidash was going home, he saw ta glimpse of blastoise on the transportation vehicle. When rapidash reach his home, he text blastoise to ask about it, and it's true. The glimpse is blastoise. After a few text, rapidash decide to wrote it on his memory book, and hope someday that blastoise would see it.
Note from Rapidash :
Blastoise, you old turtle! Today i saw you on the transportation vehicle, and you still have that frown face on you. You never change! Haha But before i forget, i just wanna say a few word, and here it is. Thank you for being my friend, my one and true friend in junior high, cause without you i might not survived on junior high. You know i was a transfered student and it's hard for one to blend in sometime. And just to let you know that i considered you as a brother, a big brother and i know it after we separate class, like i'm losing an important brother. You always there when i need you bro! Okay, enough with the sentimental stuff! Just wanna say that we're grown up guys now, but the memory of you as my big brother and the great companionship we share it was the best and i will always treasure it.

1 komentar:

  1. huhuhu,,

    nice2,, =D

    moga persahabatannya terus terjalin..

    friendship is like a star, it seems far away, but the light is always there, for you.. =p


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