
A kid name CENTURY..

Once upon a time there's a kid called Century, he has a lot of brothers and sisters. His parents loved him so much, more than they do to their other children. So one day century asked for a cookie and say that is because he was hungry. His parents know that usually century can look for food by himself because his parents always gave him allowance just like all of their children. But this time, after a great meeting is held between the two of them, they deicided to give them the cookie. At first they thought one cookie was enough but century just can't help it, he asked again the second time, the third time and more. Their parents just can't stop giving the cookie because they thought that be giving cookie to century it'll give spirit to their other children to survive the food crisis. Their decicion maybe right and century survived but the problem is not over. They thought wrong about the number of cookies to give to century, the first plan was just to give 1-3 cookies but they ended up giving 20 cookies. And the cookies was not of their own, some of them or a lot of them was their neighbor cookies that was stored in their kitchen. Now cnetury parents must face the angry neighbor who wants their cookies back. And surprisingly all of those cookies that they had given to century was not fot century alone, century spread it to his pet then to his friends and even to his friends pet. So century parents decided to hide this matter, but all century friends can't help telling stories to their parents. So all of century neighbor know and demand explanation. So? how are you going to do it century parents? We'll just watch it on the news then..

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