
There's Always a First Time for Everything,,

  Tale of somebody very close to me, closer than anybody else. Special someone that is the best thing i never knew i needed before she entered my life. Okay i know, just stop, u guys already know. Lately there are 2 things that i wanna share, both things she haven't done at all since years. The first thing was when we were watching movie, the movie was DFA (it's english translation abbreviation for the indonesian title), in the middle of the movie as the male actor was talking to the female actor that he cannot live without her but in a sweeter word of course, TEARS were FALLING from her eyes. Now that's really a rare view ya know, my special someone RARELY cried in a movie theatre especially when watching with me. She just hates to cry in front of me, i guess i make her looked weak, she thinks. She tried sooooo hard not to cry in front of me, so this one of a kind event especially when it happens in a movie theatre. Okaaaaay du, i know, enough is enough. The secont thing still revolve around her, this a total accident, when we were on the phone the other day, while speaking super fast, she stoped and then she BURP. Now this is never happen before, i warn u don't try this on your boyfriend! the effect may vary and unpredictable. As for me, the effect is non stop laughing for the next 15 minutes. Then i keep bringin' it up, and she begged me not to write this on my blog (Sorry hun!can't help it). Now this one is totally the first time, she just don't want to BURP in front of me. She always hold it when i'm around or do it slowly. So eventhough it was only in the phone, it was kinda miracle for me. HWA3x

NB : i'm sooooo dead! she gonna hunt me with axe sword etc,and of course not whip and handcuff.. :p


New Year Celebration,,the one and only Car Cinema in Indo..

  Pergantian taun baru 2009/2010 jadi momen yg pas bwt bkin kejutan, soalnya kta berdua dah lama ga ngerayain taun baruan brg. So mikir2, then it just strikes me. A CAR CINEMA!! Soalnya dkt2 sblm taun baru, kta sempet coba ntn "the hangover" di laptop dlm mobil yg berada di bukit bintang. Tp banyak kekurangan yg terjadi, seperti sound kurang oke, batrei laptop ga tahan lama dan layar kecil bgt. Ide car cinema ini muncul 1 hr 1 mlm sblm mlm taun baru. Bsknya, tgl 30 langsung beride beli kain bwt layar dan untungnya kk gw yg lg di bandung ngajak ke pasar baru. Setelah puter2 pasar baru, akhirny keputusan jatuh pada satu jenis kain, lmyn murah 15 ribu per meter lebar 1,5 meter. Walaupun satu sisi kain itu mengkilap(ga bgs klo dipake layar) tapi baliknya engga, jd bs di pake juga bwt meja makan byar jd kyk meja catering. wkwkwk
  Stelah membeli 4 meter kain tsb, langsung merencanakan pinjem projector. Untungnya tmn mama ada yg punya, hr brikutnya alias tgl 31 pagi, setelah mengantar kk dan ponakan ke airport. Langsung berangkat menuju kantor mama. Untungnya ada, walau harus ngambil ke rmhnya. Kain check, projector check, tinggal pasang kain dan check projector plus sound. Pasang kain di pintu garasi dibantu bibi, untungnya muat, lebih malah. Truz check projector jalan, bwt sound masih blm soalnya bakal pake laptopnya ce gw plus krn masih siang jd blm bs nembak projector ke kain.Yang jelas sudah lebih mending daripada ntn dvd di bukit bintang pk laptop lah.
  Sorenya menjemput ce spesial yg sudah menunggu dirmhnya. Di bawa kerumah, truz biarkan dya menunggu kebingungan. Hwe3x  Sore menjelang, persiapan dikeluarkan. Setelah dicoba ...... Alhamdulillah!! Sound pk speaker komp yg dipasang ke laptop ditaro dlm mobil ternyata oke, walo cm 2 speaker tp bs kyk sorround sound. Projector bs ditaro dalam mobil dan nembaknya pas ke kain, lebih dikit sih ke tembok bagian atas, tp stelah dicek untung film2 ga full 1 layar laptop ada potongan itemnya diatas bawah. Semua oke!
  Yang lebih okenya lagi, ternyata ce gw bw cemilan yg dya bkin sendiri, lengkaplah sudah malam ini. Ntn film plus ngerayain taun baru sama ce gw, tanpa perlu jauh2 ninggalin rmh(kasian mama sendirian) dengan pengalaman baru ntn dalam mobil pula. Yang paling penting, ga perlu MACET2AN di mlm taun baruan. YEAH! Ntn GI JOE, Nerusin Hangover yg kpotong waktu itu sama terakhir Astro Boy. Eh ga kerasa dah mlm taun baru lagi, spesialnya lagi. Tetangga2 pada maen kembang api, jadi ga usah jauh2 klo mo liat kembang api. Orang2 disekitar komplek jg maen, jd kembang api-nya ga jauh2. But the most important thing was the happy and satisfied face of my girl. That was something i haven't seen for a while. Bis tu nganterin dy balik dan plg deh, tanpa kena macet, soalnya dah jam 1 pagi. Cihuuuy!
  So that's it, the first and only one (as i know) CAR CINEMA in indonesia. Bner2 taun baru yg spesial, melakukan sesuatu yg baru dan berjalan dengan lancar. Berkesan bgt deh, dan bisa dipake untuk kedepannya. Bwt yg binggung cari surprise bwt seseorang yg penting bwt klian, bs dicoba ni. Ga di-trade mark ko! Dijamin memuaskan.

NB : Ni ada bbrp oleh2 fto bwt yg mo bkin kyk gni jg di rmh ato dmnpun.

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