
Captain's Log

Yesterday, a log comes drifting with with another log. I pick the captain's log and threw the wood log away.
It's from the captain of S. S. DIRRA, they went in almost a month ago, the last log was from a week ago. From what i have read, they're looking for the center of the universe too. When they got close, they was attacked by the guardian of the gate, the captain said that it was the legendary bottom dwellers.
At first i thought they were just a mith, but then the captain described them so real, it's the story about Leviathan, Kraken and Siren. The captain could survive all 3 guardian by using any means to exploit their weakness. But it wasn't easy though, he lost a lot of crew. The log stop after they pass through all 3 guardian, so i can only guess either they have reached the center of universe,  or there's a bigger challenge awaits after the 3 guardian.
For now, i must focus on the matter at hand. The 3 guardian i'm about to face, so i'll spent all day to read throught all about this so called bottom dwellers, and have my men prepared the for the big battle. "Round up all the cannon! Fix all the hole! Strenghten the sail! We're in for a hell of a day mate!" , that's what the first mate scream all day, after i told him of what awaits us ahead. He's incharge now, as i'm reading my way through the log. I see fears in his eyes, but the spirit to reach the center of universe already inflict so much of our men. So god, let this be our time.


Captain's Log

All of a sudden, the wind stopped, the waves calmed down. My crew seems edgy around the corner, waiting for what to come. It's still not the center of the universe yet, i can sense it. Everything becomes so quiet, way to quiet something is wrong. I tell the crew to be ready for anything, coz i believe something HUGE is coming.


Captain's Log

Less than 4 days away from the center of the universe, the waves pounding hard, wind blowing like i've never seen before. I see fears in the crew's eyes. "Keep pushing forward!" I say, while gripping the wheel with trembling hand. The voice of the siren, keeps wailing in my head, saying "Turn back, you wouldn't make it.."
In this dire time, my heart says, "This is my time to shine!"


Captain's Log

Yesterday, the boat was just rocked. The big wave coming in soon, gonna prepare hard. I'm the captain of my ship, watch me sail! Brace yourself mate!
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