
Interesting Stuff 1

1.Video klipnya kerispatih - aku harus jujur, kren sayap angelnya. Animasi yg di pk ok dah,lmyn bwt klas indonesia mah. Looks real enough!
2.Gamer (movie), mirip sama death race dan far cry. Lmyn deh, gerard butler-nya top abis lah. Mengingatkan gw bahwa jaman skrg dunia maya memang ga bs dipercaya(game society), makin banyak sick&twisted mind yg bisa memanfaatkannya.Tp justru semua teknologi ko berkembang kearah sana. :(
3.What happen to my bow??Knp kemaren pada ke kiri semua tembakan gw??Udah di tekuk2 tp ko ga berubah, akhirnya benerin visir deh. Sial! Ayo bwt target dirmh,,byar bs cpt nembak di dpn rmh. :O
4.TA, msh gitu2 aja ni. Mo ngmplin data lg, tp hrs nungguin dr rehab mediknya ngasi kuliah, byar tau dan latian penempatan marker yg bner. Mo bljr ngerata2in kurva tp, tmn blm kontak2 aja ni. Jd progress bwt bsk apa ni?BMI?Lumbosacral angle?Wedew puyeng gw. Tp ttp smangat!
5.Projector, pgn beli euy. Selain bs buat persentasi ato kuliah2, bs juga bwt ntn film brg tmn2. Serunya!Ada yg tau tpt beli projector yg murah ga?
6. www.ngubek.com , check this out!


Ummm,, long time indeed..

Hi blog!
Once again it's been a month since the last time i write, lots of thing happen actually. Lemme see, got visited by my 2 cousin from malang, slaped a caterpillar and got my left palm bruise and lasted for about a month =P (no offence dear), enjoying a good quality time with my boo (ooo so last year). But from all of them, the most important is the progress of  my Final Assingment. Not a breakthrough or already get it done, yet. But i started to collect some data, and from where i was before, i'm quite happy about the progress. Yeah i'm not some miracle doer or something, but i'm getting there. So i would like to thanks, to all the models that have been helping me until now! You all have been a great help.
Yeah i'm proud of having such a small progress, hemphhh. But still, sometime the thing that used to burden my mind, still shadowed me. Sometime when i really think about it, i don't know if this FA(Final Assingment) is enough. First, it's this thing about complexity, my other friends usually MAKES something mechanical and me, i'm just collecting data and making SOP. People always ask, what about my Final Assingment?what do you make?And when i tell them it's gait analysis, most of them wouldn't know what it is. =( In this FA, i studied a lot about anatomy, gait and statistic, but where is the mechanical aspect? I'm just afraid that all the professor will make a problem out of it in the court room. =( Second one, i'm just afraid that it's not complex enough. I see a all my friend FA, to be honest i think they all great things, i don't know! i just feel that collecting data using the system that not created by me is just so simple, eventhough i know it's not an easy task, tooks a lot of  time. But i have a dilemma, coz if i got a complex FA i wouldn't be done in june!! Time or complexity?? i'm so confuse!
But i guess it's time. So for now i just trust the word of my prof and do what he says, try to graduate on june!
Anybody have an opinion?just post them.
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